Clean Eating Basics

Clean Eating in the Tub

AHHH NOPE!!!  Here are the basics of a clean eating lifestyle:


What Exactly Is “Clean Eating?”
For the most part, clean eaters subscribe to these general guidelines:

  1. Eat plenty of vegetables, both raw and cooked.
  2. Eat unprocessed lean meats that have not had anything added. This includes fresh chicken and fish and even lean, humanely raised beef and game.
  3. Enjoy whole grains instead of the processed or refined variety.
  4. Eat smaller, more frequent meals about every 2 1/2 – 3 hours.
  5. Reduce or Eliminate Processed, artificial, preservative laden foods with fresh real food.

Most of the recipes I use and include in this website abide by these rules.  “What about all the treats I love,” you ask?  I am a big proponent of not going cold turkey but to rely on the 80/20 rule.  Eighty percent of the time follow these rules strictly.  Twenty percent of the time, have the burger and fries, or the milkshake, or the glass of wine.  Eat to live, not live to eat.

I am here to help, let me know how…

5 responses to “Clean Eating Basics”

  1. kelley Goodman Avatar
    kelley Goodman

    love it!!! love your humor!! let me know when you go for a bike ride!! i’m on a roll now! been “training” a bit for the MS ride saturday! just the 30 mile loop! k

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Way to go! Love that you are riding your bike. Keep it up.


  3. Love this post and I love the pic haga


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